Thursday 1 December 2011

#ldnxmasbloggermeet Up

The Blogger's all together.
Look how stylish all these ladies are.
Emma (one half of the master minds behind it all) and me, happy to be there.
I was originally going to do video about this, however I have been to poorly or been to busy to do so. 

I was invited, yes me, actually invited somewhere, as I never ever get invites like this to be honest. Felt privileged and very welcomed. The two ladies who were the master's behind this event was Emma and Laura, both great wonderful women. 

Arriving late, as the Victoria line was closed grrr, and the fact I left in good time, still managed to have disaster of a trip. Got to my destination, lovely restaurant/bar called- The Warwick in Central London. Sarah from Lush was there to talk about some great new ranges, never been one to shop at Lush if I am being honest, however it opened my eyes and I learnt more about Lush.

The amazing Anne- Maggie Angus, spoke about her jewellery shop, how it begun, background information/history. I found this fantastic, inspirational, and admire her success. If you don't know Maggie Angus trust me you have seen the jewellery somewhere about. 

Maggie Angus Jewellery

The lovely lady herself Anna- Maggie Angus answering questions.

Then the very nervous, bless her cotton socks Faye from Wired Jewellery. Law student by day, jewellery maker by night. Told us how she got started, and her passion for it, the business aspect of it etc. Once again open to questions, another great person that you could learn from.

Thank you so much Emma and Laura for this event, the invite and everything. It was my 1st ever blogger event, I am so happy I attended, as I have met some great people from this. 

PS- This was my 1st time ever going to social event, ON MY OWN, to Central London since being ill, 5+ years. So well done me, milestone.xx 

The goody bags. Ladies having good old chat.
What's inside will be in separate post.


  1. fab post! was lovely to meet you :) on to the next blogger meet :) xx

  2. So gutted I couldnt make it but hopefully will get to see you all next time! x

  3. Gutted i couldn't make it! You look lovely in the picture of you and Emma! #beaut :) xx
