Wednesday 26 June 2013

Failure. Tough On Myself

I've been missing in the blogsphere, not posted, hardly read any blogs. It's been a tough month. Just every time I go to blog I either get really emotional just shut off the blog as it reminds me of dear person that passed away who always loved my blog posts, click here to read my previous post explaining.
Wanted to do outfit of the day posts but all the pics taken I looked fat, my face round chubby, just having issues with myself. So that was a no no..

I am going to be real honest, I feel like a failure at the moment, sometimes I feel defeated like my illness is winning consuming me. My achievements these days is able to wash my own hair myself, that's bonus for me. I hate how my emotions can be real intense, erratic, emotional mess when problem arises. Amongst other things but we be here all day, ain't nobody got time for that. You know how some people can be tough on themselves, well I am one those people, if you not guessed already , hehe.

Are you hard on yourself? let me know
If you got some encouraging things to say that be much appreciated ;)


  1. Oh God, yeah. I am really harsh on myself.

    I think being critical of yourself is a great thing, but being overly critical can end up being counter-productive (at least this is what happens with me).

    I also always find myself comparing myself to others people - and, of course, I feel that I never measure up(!). What about you? Do you do that?

    Very recently; I learned how to engage in small talk. It's a small victory, but I'm going to take it - even if other people would turn their noses up at something they would never consider an achievement. To be honest, I think that most of my achievements people would be a bit, 'Meh' at - but, screw 'em!

    Your blog is brilliant - you have a large dedicated readership - definitely NOT a failure! xx

    1. Oh gosh yes no matter how much I tell myself I shouldn't compare myself I still do it. Also it feels like you in constant competition with yourself, even down to age mentally had plan for myself not been met get angry with myself lol. However I've learn to accept that some things are just gonna take longer than planned.

      And yes no matter what size the achievement is it's still one at the end of the day.

      Thank you for the compliment :) x
